Michael Daniels
Mar 20, 2020
We recognize that with the constantly changing COVID-19 situation around the world and now in our community, this is an unprecedented time for everyone - a time that is filled with uncertainty. Our hearts and thoughts go out to each and every one of you.
We want you to know that the North Essex Chamber is here as a resource for you, both as individuals, as community members, and as an organization.
In the interest of the health and wellness of our community, we have taken steps to do away with Chamber gatherings for the foreseeable future.
- Our signature event, the 2020 Taste of Essex originally scheduled for April 20th has been postponed until the Monday, October 5th. Mark your calendars!
- Monthly events, First Thursday and Women-to-Women will hopefully resume in May.
- Our networking event at Car Lofts in Fairfield originally scheduled for 4/24 has been postponed.
- Our monthly Business Resource Breakfast (2nd Thursday of each month) will be held as a virtual event as a Zoom meeting. Each attendee will have the opportunity to give a 1-min introduction of themselves to the group. A guest speaker will also present to the group. Stay tuned for more details on our website, via email, and on social media.
The North Essex Chamber has taken these precautionary measures to limit potential spread of the virus.
We also want to make sure our community is well-informed. Here are a few important links:
- RJW Barnabas Health information about COVID-19.
- Latest updates from the NJ Department of Health
- Guidance for businesses and employers from the Small Business Administration
An extensive list of state and federal resources during this crisis can be found HERE.
We realize that this on-going situation will likely have a significant impact on our economy, on your business and on you personally. We will do everything we can to mitigate that for our members and their businesses.
Feel free to contact us if there is any way we can help you during this crisis.