Nov 12, 2020
Submitted by:
Erin Hoffmann
Financial Representative
Certified Financial Services
Mobile: 973.525.4015
Office: 201.843.7700 x 430
Defining your life goals is a great way to begin boosting your financial confidence. Do you want to make more money? Retire early? Change careers? Start a family? Open a business? It's time to figure out the really important things in your life because they are the starting points for making smarter financial decisions.
Your Financial Picture
Nearly 80 percent of working Americans report being seriously stressed out. And since overall well-being is directly linked to finances, much of that angst is rooted in financial concerns. In fact, nearly two-thirds of us say we are pretty bad at living within our means.*
Can you relate?
OK, take a deep breath. Inhale... exhale... Good! Now that you know where you stand, you can align your goals towards financial and emotional improvement. You've got this!
Define Your Life Goals:
1: Lead with Your Heart Not Your Head
If you're honest about setting meaningful goals, you'll be more motivated to achieve them.
2: Be Smart About It
SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound; e.g., paying off one credit card (specific, measurable, achievable) over the next 12 months (time-bound) to begin saving for your children's college fund (relevant).
3: Think Long and Short
Balance near-term goals (new home) with long-term goals (retirement). And make sure you have security to weather unexpected storms (emergency fund, insurance).
4: Talk with an Advisor
A financial professional can help you figure out your goals and help you make them a reality.
Okay, so let's get started!
Write down in sequential order what your life goals are. Maybe you've done this before, but it doesn't hurt to do it again to see if your priorities have shifted. Okay, so what did you come up with? Keep your list handy to refer to as you explore ways to move from concerned to confident.
*Guardian's Living Confidently Survey, 2016