System Administrator
Jun 1, 2021
It has been a rough road, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. As New Jersey continues to come out of the pandemic, things are starting to feel like they once were. More people are beginning to patronize brick and mortar businesses once again. Restaurants are fully open. While many businesses closed during the pandemic, we are starting to see new businesses open.
Through it all, the North Essex Chamber of Commerce has been actively supporting and engaging with the business community. We consistently held 3 virtual educational/networking events every month. Our ambassadors reached out to our members to keep us apprised of their situations. The NECC Board moved ahead with a strategic plan to further our mission as a center of valuable business resources. We're investing in the future of the Chamber and the business community in our region. We've launched our Volunteer Appreciation Program and the NECC Mentoring Program. We’ve forged new relationships that allow us to bring together a wider business community.
Whether you have been engaged with the Chamber during the pandemic or not, there is a lot to look forward to. We are already holding monthly in-person networking events outside at local eateries. We continue to have educational programs virtually, allowing us to bring together people from a wider geographic area. In the fall we will be reinstituting our monthly breakfast, a NECC signature event. Here are highlights of the coming month:
- Friday, June 4th, 10 am: Joint NECC / NJAWBO Coffee Break – IT Trips and Tricks for Small Businesses
- Sunday, June 6th, 1-4 pm: Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting Behavior Plus Dog Training, West Caldwell
- Tuesday, June 15th, noon: Kerry Barrett Presents 5 Tips for Creating DIY Videos That Will Blow Up Your Brand
- Wednesday, June 16th, 3-5:30 pm: 11th Annual Meet the Mayors Event
- Monday, June 21st, 5-7 pm: Outdoor Networking Event
- Thursday, June 24th, 4:30-5:30: Mask or No Mask? Presented by Alix Rubin, Esq.
By being engaged and involved in the North Essex Chamber your business gains credibility, awareness, exposure, growth, and community. You can’t afford not to be a member.
Contact me to learn more.