Apr 28, 2023
Submitted by:
Scott Lemly
Hearing Life
12 Eisenhower Parkway, Roseland
(973) 226-6700
Spring is here, and with it, the sound of birds chirping, leaves blowing in the wind, gentle rainfall, and more. Did you know a recent study showed there are significant health benefits from hearing the sounds of nature?
Carleton University’s Rachel Buxton, research scientist in the Department of Biology, and researchers from Michigan State University, Colorado State University, and the National Park Service worked together to study the effects of listening to nature sounds. The study found that people who experienced the sounds of nature felt decreased pain, lower stress, enhanced mood, and improved cognitive performance.
Of the sounds of nature, water sounds were most effective for improving emotions and health outcomes, and bird sounds helped most to combat stress and annoyance.
If you’re missing the sounds of nature due to hearing loss, don’t wait any longer to address it! Spring is here, and it’s the perfect time to check out the latest hearing aid technology at HearingLife.
We hope your spring is full of outdoor activities with friends and family – and that you take the time to enjoy the sounds of nature – and the sound of your loved ones’ conversation.