Nov 21, 2024
Submitted by:
Jenny Easton, LCSW
Co-founder of Helping Minds Heal Counseling Center
333 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell
(201) 540-9777
Let’s be real—when fall flips to winter, it’s like a sad, cold ambush, and your brain is not here for it. Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD, because of course it’s called that) is what happens when less sunlight equals less serotonin (happy chemical) and more melatonin (sleepy chemical), leaving you cranky, drained, and convinced you should hibernate until April. It’s not just a mood swing; it’s legit biology doing its thing.
What Exactly *Is* SAD?
SAD is like your brain’s way of saying, “Nope” to winter’s shorter, darker days. Symptoms? Think fatigue, carb cravings, zero motivation, and wanting to wrap yourself in blankets until the snow melts. Basically, you’re functioning like a grumpy, snack-happy bear in a cave. And no, it’s not about being lazy or “just grumpy” because it’s cold out—your body’s reacting to real, chemical changes.
Boundaries = Survival
Winter also brings endless social events, work deadlines, and holiday stress. If there’s ever a season to hold those boundaries tight, it’s now. Here’s how to conserve energy:
- Say “no” without guilt: Pick the events that matter, skip the ones that don’t, and embrace downtime. And let’s be real: bailing on events can be a helpful tool in your survival kit. My friends definitely poke fun at me for being the queen of bail, but hey, sometimes it’s necessary. Just remember, use this power wisely; it can keep you from burning out, but it can also lead to feeling a bit isolated if you overdo it.
- Rest unapologetically: Winter makes you feel tired? Rest. No one’s handing out awards for “Most Festive.”
- Own your feelings: Not feeling merry? That’s allowed. Skip the forced cheer and honor your actual mood.
How to Outsmart SAD
Let’s be honest—you’re probably not moving to a sunny island anytime soon, but here’s what helps:
- Light Therapy: Sounds sci-fi, works like magic. A lightbox mimics daylight, which boosts mood and energy.
- Move a little: Get outside, take a short walk, or do a mini dance party. (May I recommend blasting "Shut Up and Dance"? Seriously, turn it up and get moving!) Moving releases endorphins, and endorphins = happy.
- Balance your carbs: Winter says “bring on the chips,” and honestly, who are we to argue? Just mix in some nutrient-rich foods too, so your energy doesn’t crash harder than a toddler after Halloween. (IYKYK)
- Stay social on your terms: You don’t need to be a social butterfly—text a friend, FaceTime, or plan a coffee. Small connections can do wonders.
- Talk it out: Therapy, therapy, therapy. Vent to someone who can give you actual tools for coping. I know a guy, if you need one
Bottom Line: Take it Easy, Spring Will Eventually Show Up
Winter is rough, and it’s okay to feel like you’re crawling through it. Set boundaries, grab your lightbox, snack on those chips, and give yourself some grace. You’ll make it through—one cozy blanket day at a time.
If you or a loved one is experiencing these symptoms and could use support, please reach out to the team at Helping Minds Heal Counseling Center in Caldwell, New Jersey. Contact us at helpingmindsheal@gmail.com or call (201) 540-9777—we’re here to help.