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Contactless Solutions to Elevate Your Business in 2021

In a recent study conducted by Forrester and the National Retail Federation, 94% of retailers expect the use of contactless payments to grow over the next 18 months. While not surprising, it is a reason to invest in the most up-to-date contactless payment technology for your customers and industry.

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Managing Collections Under COVID

Slow-paying or nonpaying customers/clients adversely affect the company’s cash flow. Proactive measures during COVID can help identify and remedy collection issues before they spiral out of control and cause irreversible damage.

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Age Discrimination Law for Millennials in New Jersey

When most people hear the term “millennial,” they automatically envision an entitled young person who possesses little to no real-world skills. However, the oldest millennials will turn 40 this year, which means they are actually reaching the age where they may begin to experience age discrimination. Millennials in New Jersey who experience age discrimination should educate themselves on their rights.

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Why Your Business Needs a Blog

You know the value of your business and all you have to offer. You’ve got the experience and references to prove it. Blogs allow you to tout your awesomeness in a way that creates trust, lends credibility to what you offer, and educates prospective customers.

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Step 1 to Living Confidently: Defining Your Life Goals

Defining your life goals is a great way to begin boosting your financial confidence. Do you want to make more money? Retire early? Change careers? Start a family? Open a business? It’s time to figure out the really important things in your life because they are the starting points for making smarter financial decisions.

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How To Grow Sales & Profits With SEO

Becky Livingsston of Penheel Marketing and Gene Sower of Samson Media as we take you through a lively presentation on what you need to know to succeed with an SEO strategy whether you plan to do it yourself of hire a pro.

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Marketing Your Business After Covid – 5 Free Things You Can Do Now

If you are a business owner that has persevered through the hot mess called 2020 so far, I know you are watching those hard-earned dollars even more closely than before – and rightfully so. BUT, how are you supposed to market your business with a limited budget? Luckily living in the digital age, there are some digital marketing techniques you can invest your time into to help you grow your business locally:

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