Submitted by Lauren F. Iannaccone of Connell Foley.Cannabis is difficult to test for and it can remain in bodily fluids for prolonged periods of time, making it difficult to test for current and active impairment.
Submitted by Scott Lemley from Hearing Life. Most people don’t realize that we hear with our brains, not with our ears. Hearing helps keep your brain active and stimulated which, in turn, helps to keep it healthy.
Submitted by Lisa Batitto of Enlightened Path Healing. Incorporating mindfulness and meditation into the workplace will improve the overall well-being for you or your employees.
Submitted by Caitlin P. Dettmer from Connell Foley. Though it sounds like a mass exodus of employees from the workforce is imminent, the catchy alliteration “quiet quitting” is really just a reminder to employers to communicate expectations to their employees.
Submitted by Nina Tucker, President of Noesis Marketing. When a brand is considered strong, the name is well-known, the products sell easily at desired prices, and customers choose it regularly over other brands.