Submitted by Nina Tucker, President of Noesis Marketing. When a brand is considered strong, the name is well-known, the products sell easily at desired prices, and customers choose it regularly over other brands.
Submitted by Damalie Namale from Forerunner Counseling. Having low self-esteem is something many people of all ages deal with. While a low self-esteem is not considered a mental health condition itself, the way we think about ourselves directly impacts our mental health and overall well-being.
Submitted by Kessler Rehabilitation Center West Caldwell. Destination driving vacations are a staple of American culture. But long hours spent crammed into a car can wreak havoc on your body before vacation even begins. As the miles go by, an aching back, a crick in your neck or tense shoulders can put the brakes on feeling good by the time you arrive.
Submitted by Connell Foley. Like many employment issues, there is no one-size-fits all checklist that definitively proves whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor, but rather it is a fact-sensitive analysis.
Submitted by West Caldwell Dental Arts. Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss among adults. It is a chronic infection that damages gum tissue and can potentially destroy the jaw bone. However, since this condition is typically painless, many individuals go years without receiving a formal diagnosis.