Submitted by Nina Tucker, Noesis Marketing LLC. The remote work environment has affected audience behavior. It’s up to marketers to meet customers where they are at. Businesses must prioritize the expectations of the customer through a balanced approach to address the hybrid world.
Technology has brought many wonderful things to our fingertips. However, an undue side effect of all this technology and connectivity is a condition known as tech neck.
Submitted by Integrated Care Concepts. Try out this 61 point meditation for relaxation that draws on the science of the veda’s and the marma points of the body.
Submitted by; Nick Ilacqua
TeamLogic IT. As companies work toward 2022, they need to cope with the rapid evolution of IT requirements for the post-pandemic world. And the matter extends beyond technical proficiency to leadership savvy.
About how missing the best market days (or the worst!) might affect your portfolio.