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NECC Member Blog

5 Ways to Give Sales Staff the Support They Need

By Julia Tsoy | April 12, 2019 | Comments Off on 5 Ways to Give Sales Staff the Support They Need

“I could sell water to a whale.” Indeed, most salespeople possess an abundance of confidence. One could say it’s a prerequisite for the job. Because of their remarkable self-assurance, sales staffers might appear to be largely autonomous. Hand them something to sell, tell them a bit about it and let them do their thing —…

Do You Remember Why You Started?

By Donna Miller | April 5, 2019 | Comments Off on Do You Remember Why You Started?

Maybe it’s been decades, years, or months since you decided to undertake the journey of entrepreneurship. And since then, you’ve poured yourself into this business, striving to reach your success milestones along the way. But let’s pause for a moment. Try to remember…how long has it been since you’ve felt that spark of excitement when…

Don’t Stop the Presses! Print is a Valuable, Recyclable Marketing Tool

By Holly Kaplansky | March 29, 2019 | Comments Off on Don’t Stop the Presses! Print is a Valuable, Recyclable Marketing Tool

“Go paperless, go green” is a common theme to encourage the switch from print to digital marketing and communications. However, paper is more ‘green’ than you might think. It is also a very effective marketing tool when compared with digital media. Paper is highly recyclable. Paper is recycled more than any other material. Recycled paper is…

Malware Manual – Part 3: Your Best Fortification to Survive a Data Breach

By Joe Higgins | March 21, 2019 | Comments Off on Malware Manual – Part 3: Your Best Fortification to Survive a Data Breach

Anyone who reads business books is familiar with military analogies for many aspects of running an organization – from strategic planning to operational efficiency. Leadership gurus encourage CEOs to read Sun Tzu’s The Art of War to learn strategy, as management consultants cite the work of famous generals for tactical inspiration. And speaking of generals, how many retired…

March is National Nutrition Month

By Desiree Johnson | March 14, 2019 | Comments Off on March is National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month and annual nutrition education campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics. During this month the academy hopes to put emphasis on making informed food choices and developing healthy behaviors related to physical activity. During this month, while you are on the go, it is important to make nutrition…

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