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Prepare, Don’t Pay, for Ransomware

Prepare for Ransomware

Submitted by Nick Ilacqua, TeamLogic IT. Ransomware rates are rising rapidly with no signs of slowing soon. So how do you cope with this risk to your organization’s operations and financial stability?

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Top 10 Reasons To Back Up Your Business Data

Regardless of how big your business is, regular data backups are fundamental to securing your company’s network. In fact, conducting regular backups is undeniably one of the most important steps a business can take to overcome the effects of a network disaster.

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The Difference Between Website Security And SSL

A website with an SSL certificate is not necessarily a “secure” website either. SSL encrypts the data sent between the visitor and web server but does not actually protect the website itself from hackers. There is more to it and website owners need to understand this if they want a truly secure website.

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Malware Manual – Part 5: 3 Keys for Cybersecurity Response Planning

Cyber Security Planning

Malware Manual – Part 5: 3 Keys for Cybersecurity Response Planning Joe Higgins May 17, 2019 Recently, the international research and advisory company Gartner, Inc., predicted global corporate spending on IT security will increase 12.4% this year over 2018 to roughly $124 billion. The driver of all this spending growth? Security risks, business needs and…

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